Thursday, November 18, 2010

Solar VS Gas VS Electric On Pool Heaters

It’s already winter and I’m sure a lot of you misses to jump in a swimming pool. Even if you want to, you can’t because it’ll be too cold. You wouldn’t want to have a frozen pool in this cold weather.

No worries, here are some pool heaters that can help you to heat your swimming pool. We’ll be discussing their pros and cons.

Round 1: Pros

On Solar Pool Heater
  • Low Cost of Operation
     This is the primary benefit of a solar pool heater. You wouldn’t have to worry about your electric bills or gas. Out of all the pool heaters, this one can help you save hundreds of dollars and can heat up your swimming pool for free.
  • Environment Friendly
     Another benefit is that you can help save our environment as it uses the sun as its source of heat. Gas emits carbon monoxide when heated while Electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels which both contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer which will be very harmful to us.

Here is a video of a Solar Pool Heater

On Gas Pool Heater

        • Performance
     Gas Pool Heaters shines the most when it comes to the performance. You wouldn’t have to wait too long for your swimming pool to heat up. This can be great if you are a party animal that loves having pool parties.

Here is a video of a Gas Pool Heater

On Electric Pool Heater
  • Reliability
      This is the most reliable pool heater available for everyone. It is very consistent unlike the solar pool heater which is dependent on the sun or the gas pool heaters as they are less clean and can cause some serious problem.

Round 2: Cons

On Solar Pool Heater

        • Inconsistent
       It is very inconsistent as it is dependent on the sun. On a cool and cloudy day, you will not get good results but you can still warm up your pool but I bet it’ll take a lot of time.

On Gas Pool Heater

        • Cost of Fuel
     The cost of fuel for gas pool heaters are no joke. It is also very limited so you will have to purchase again and again to use your gas pool heater.
  • Durability
      If you are considering to heat your pool for a long period of time, then gas pool heater is not the right one for you. They can last up to 1 to 5 years and will have to be maintained regularly.

On Electric Pool Heater

          • Heating Power
    Electric Pool heaters tend to have a slow heating power during winter. Some even freezes because of the cold weather. During winter, they have to warm the air too and not just the water making their performance a little bit slower.

    Final Round

    Those were the Pros and Cons of the three types of pool heaters. Now, It is all up to you to determine the winner for this round. Each pool heater has its own use. Choose the best pool heater according to your needs and budget.

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